Lúcida Hecha
a Mano

New Smyrna Beach. Florida USA
Marzo 2013
Adriana Rojas Pretel / shadow projection
Jeff Roberts / live sound
Margot Pappas / poetry
Pat Oleszko / costumes
Greg Cole / videographer
Las Sombras de la Pesadilla de Darwin es una version moderna de la tradicion ancestral del teatro de sombras usando los viejos retroproyectores que estan destinados al cementerio de los aparatos tecnologicos en desuso. Capas de imagenes, personajes y texturas en movimiento son proyectadas simultaneamente en la superficie blanca teniendo mutua resonancia con el sonido producido en vivo usando diversos objetos y voces controlados a traves de un control de Nintendo Wii.
Esta fue una colaboracion espontanea que surgio como proyecto apéndice de la Pesadilla de Darwin dirigida por Miss Trix of the Universe, la artista newyorkina Pat Oleszko para la noche de cierre de la Residencia # 148 del ACA, Atlantic Center for the Arts. New Smyrna , Florida.
The Shadows of Darwin Nightmare is a very modern version of the ancient tradition of shadow theater by using overhead projectors to re-appropriate this machine that is bound for the cemetery of out-of-date technological devices. Layers of images, characters and textures in motion playing with the transparency and the opacity are projected simultaneously on the white screen or white wall having mutual resonance with the live sound produced by diverse objects and voices coordinated by a Nintendo wii control. This collaboration was an spontaneously off shut from the Darwin´s Nightmare project directed by Miss Trix of the Universe (Pat Oleszko) for the Inside Out night during the Residency#148 on the ACA. Atlantic Center for the Arts. New Smyrna Florida
Related info and videos:
https://vimeo.com/77652471 The Half Astro-nuts
https://vimeo.com/73074688 Darwin´s Nightmare. Pa´t One
http://www.patoleszko.com/ Pat Olesko website
www.jeff-roberts.org Jeff Roberts website
http://www.atlanticcenterforthearts.org/ ACA website

Residencia artística Atlantic Center For the Arts. New Smyrna, Florida. 2013

Residencia artística Atlantic Center For the Arts. New Smyrna, Florida. 2013

Residencia artística Atlantic Center For the Arts. New Smyrna, Florida. 2013

Residencia artística Atlantic Center For the Arts. New Smyrna, Florida. 2013